Bernadette Estrada

Artist Bio

Bernadette was born and raised in Los Angeles. Taught by the guidance of her father and her own innate artistic calling. She has been painting and creating all her life. She lives with her partner Ruthie in Portland, Oregon.

Piano: “Allied Botanical Vibes”

My paintings are brave examples of the confusion, impulsivity, frustration and lightheartedness of my thinking. This is a celebration (on of many) of my acceptance of the women I have become, with this body and this mind. I strive to create paintings that cautiously invite the viewer to appreciate and comprehend how I walk this earth. Again and again and again in front of an empty canvas is where I find peace. Where I can rest. With colors, shapes, and words with intensity and playfulness this is me. Welcome in. 

Piano’s Current Location:

Oregon Society Of Artists

